A Man who lives to create. I create becasue I am compelled to, not becasue I choose to! I sing because I have to... I'm certainly not getting paid to do it. But I do it all the time... just like I create, I always am creating something... Wanna create something and post it? There's an idea.
Hey! My Name is Vintz and i'd like to invite you all to check out my work, listen to me sing or just laugh your asses off making fun of me. lol Either way thanks for stopping by and since you're here, and I am probably going to be the best laugh you had all day... wanna plese take my pole... Ooops! That came out wrong... so did that.. Oh sjit ( se-jit! ) Just have fun... *%&$@ lol
The Beauty Of A Rose!
This beautiful woman is my Grandmother. I never had the chance to say goodbye to her and it still weighs heavy on my heart. I love you Grandma Rose, and i miss you more than I can say.
Papi Miniature Portrait
The detail and colors on this piece are just amazing. I am happy with it.
Chainmail... Like butta!
This is a stunning chain, it is almost liquidious.
American Pain
Not my child, not another one.
Harlequin Pendant
This is a miniature portrait of a heart broken Harlequin.
Wallet Fob! Love this piece!
The tips of Rhino horn, inlayed with turquoise, rubies and saphire dust. The chain is Full Persian Weave Sterling and 26 inches in length. Man I love this piece.
My Only Son!
How Many More Have To Die?
Got Jump Ring? LOL
Young Soldier
To young to be memorialized. Too young to have been fighting in a war. Enjoy your forever sleep... I Love you.